Symbols in refrigeration make the study simpler and easy. Standard symbols saves lot of time too. These help to increase the understanding deep and clear.
A |
Area |
m 2 |
C |
Concentration of Low boiling component |
No units |
D |
Diameter |
m |
G |
Mass flux is Rate of mass flow per unit area |
Kg/s m 2 |
h |
Specific enthalpy |
k J/kg |
H |
Total enthalpy = m h |
k J |
L |
Length |
m |
M |
Molecular weight |
g |
M |
Mass |
kg |
m. |
Mass flow rate |
kg/s |
N |
Number |
No units |
N |
Cooling effect OR refrigerating effect |
k J/kg |
N |
Cooling capacity or refrigerating capacity |
k J/min or TR |
n |
Polytrophic index of compression Or expansion |
No units |
P |
Pressure |
bar |
Q. |
Rate of heat transfer |
J/s or W |
Q L. |
Rate of Latent heat transfer |
W |
Q s. |
Rate of Sensible heat transfer |
W |
R |
Universal constant |
k J/K h |
R g |
Individual Gas constant= R/M |
k J/kg K h |
s |
Specific entropy |
k J/kg K |
S |
Total entropy |
k J/K |
T |
Absolute temperature |
K |
t |
temperature |
0 C |
u |
Specific internal energy |
k J/kg |
U |
Total internal energy= m u |
k J |
v |
Specific volume |
m 3/kg |
V |
Total volume -m v |
m 3 |
w |
specific work or Work input per kg |
k J/kg |
w |
Specific humidity |
g/kg of dry air |
W |
Work input per minute |
k J/min |
x |
Liquid phase mass concentration |
No units |
X |
Dryness fraction |
No units |
y |
Vapor phase mass concentration |
No units |
γ |
Adiabatic index of compression |
No units |
γ |
Adiabatic index of expansion |
No units |
µ |
Joule Thomson Coefficient |
0 C/bar |
Η |
Efficiency |
No units |
ρ |
Density |
kg/m 3 |
BP |
By pass factor |
No units |
CF |
Contact factor |
No units |
Coefficient of performance |
No units |
S H L |
Sensible heat load |
W |
L H L |
Latent heat load |
W |
R L H L |
Room latent heat load |
W |
E R S H L |
Effective room sensible heat load |
W |
E R S H L |
Effective room latent heat load |
W |
G S H L |
Grand sensible heat load |
W |
G L H L |
Grand latent heat load |
W |
G S H F |
Grand sensible heat factor |
No units |
E R S H F |
Effective room sensible heat factor |
No units |
R S H F |
Room sensible heat factor |
No units |
TR |
Ton of refrigeration |
TR |
O D C |
Outside design conditions |
0 C |
I D C |
Inside design conditions |
0 C |
Apparatus dew point |
0 C |
D B T |
Dry bulb temperature |
0 C |
W B T |
Wet bulb temperature |
0 C |
Dew point temperature |
0 C |
L, l liquid
V, v vapor
fg latent
Sub-cooled liquid
Saturated liquid
Wet vapor
Saturated vapor
Super heated vapor
Gas Psychrometric Properties THEORY COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS SHF Q.A. VC Refrigeration