LAMINATED SPRINGS CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING This type of spring is very common in use. There is an advantage over the coiled spring. It acts as a structural member. In addition it absorbs a shock. Used in cars, trucks, buses and trains. This type of spring has number of plates of constant…
SIMPLE STRESSES MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) WITH ANSWERS MCQ on simple stresses is very helpful. It helps in understanding fully about strength of materials. Stress is internal resistance against external loading. It has a limited value for a material. Limited value is different for different materials. Fig. Simple tensile & compressive stresses Magnitude of…
QUESTION BANK SIMPLE AND PRINCIPAL STRESSES CLASS NOTES Question bank help to revise and have better clarity and understanding of the subject. It helps in various competitive and other examinations. It increases lot of confidence. Practical problems are easily handled. Finally it helps in the design. SIMPLE STRESSES AND SIMPLE STRAINS Determine the diameter…
SPRINGS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) WITH ANSWERS Spring is an important part in almost every machinery. These springs perform different functions in different applications. These absorb shocks in vehicles running on uneven roads. These store energy in toys and circuit breakers. These give cushion effect in sofas and cars. Springs are of different types namely…
FATIGUE CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING It is the failure of material under reversal of stress. Fatigue reduces the strength of a material. Notable Fatigue Failures Versailles train disaster The 1862 Hartley Colliery Disaster De Havilland Comet crash Alexander L. Kierland oil platform capsizing The 1919 Great Molasses Flood The 1948 Northwest Airlines Flight…
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Materials/machines/structures are subjected to forces of one kind or the other or combined forces. How the materials behave under these forces is explained in terms of mechanical properties. Measure mechanical properties by various destructive tests. Various worth mentioning mechanical properties are (i) Ductility (ii) Elasticity (iii) Resilience…