CLOSE COILED HELICAL SPRINGS CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Spring is an important part in almost every machinery. These springs perform different functions in different applications. These absorb shocks in vehicles running on uneven roads. These store energy in toys and circuit breakers. These give cushion effect in sofas and cars. Springs are of different…
THEORIES OF ELASTIC FAILURE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) WITH ANSWERS MCQ help to understand the topic in great depth. Then, it will be easy to apply these theories in the design of various machine parts. Ductile materials are equally strong in tension and compression. Thus these are more versatile. Brittle materials are strong in compression…
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS INTRODUCTION CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Strength of materials tells which materials are strong in tension/compression/ bending /torsion/buckling. Hence depending upon the application, one can select the material for that application. Application includes chair, table, rod, shaft or any item one can think of. The selection is possible after performing tests under…
NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING TECHNIQUES CLASS NOTES Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a technique to evaluate the properties of a material without causing any damage to the component being tested. It determine the external (surface) and or internal defect. It takes less time as compared to destructive testing. Thus it saves time and money. It is applicable to…
SOM PTU QUESTION PAPER SOLUTION CLASS NOTES PTU SOM Question answers improves clarity of the subject. It also increases the confidence in handling practical problems. It helps in the selection of material for a certain application. It is the ultimate aim of the subject. 2-5 marks question answers Q1 (a). What is slenderness ratio? State…
FLAT SPIRAL SPRING CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING This spring is an important part in almost every machinery. These springs perform different functions in different applications. These absorb shocks in vehicles running on uneven roads. These store energy in toys and circuit breakers. These give cushion effect in sofas and cars. Springs are of…