CRYOGENICS-LIQUEFACTION CLASS NOTES FOR ENGINEERING Cryogenics involves the study of temperatures below -1500C. It is of interest to know how to produce such temperatures. These temperatures are produced by liquefaction of gases. In addition , it is of interest is know which materials are suitable at these temperatures. There are many areas of interest…
. VAPOR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION CLASS NOTES As cooling requirements increase, volume of refrigerant increase. It increases the size of the compressor and the power requirements. Volume reduction decreases Power requirements. Here comes the role of absorption. Water has extremely high affinity for ammonia and Lithium Bromide has high affinity for water. Water in the absorber…
VAPOR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION QUESTIONS ANSWERS Vapor absorption system can operate without the use of electricity. The heat energy operates the system. Obtain heat by burning of fuel or wood & solar energy. Use of solar energy makes it eco-friendly. It resembles very much with a vapor compression system. It uses different means of compression….
REFRIGERANT FLOW CONTROLS Flow controls are fitted between the condenser and the evaporator. These produce the required pressure drop. These also control the rate of flow of refrigerant as per cooling required. There are five types of refrigerant flow controls. These are used in different applications. FIVE TYPES (i) Capillary Tube (ii) Automatic Expansion Valve…
SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR (SHF) CLASS NOTES FOR ENGINEERING Sensible means due to temperature difference. Consider both sensible and latent heat loads in air conditioning. Remove these in the same ratio in which added. Suitable sensible heat factor makes air conditioning enjoyable. There are many types of sensible heat factors. (a) ROOM SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR…
TYPES OF COOLING TOWERS CLASS NOTES FOR ENGINEERING Cooling towers cool the hot water from the condenser for reuse. A cooling tower reduces the cost of water used in condenser. Use of water in the condenser is for condensing refrigerant for medium cooling plants. Cooling tower is a special type of heat exchanger. In this, hot…