STEADY & UNSTEADY STATE HEAT CONDUCTION CLASS NOTES Conduction is one of the three modes of heat transfer. Other modes of heat transfer are convection and radiation. Rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the temperature difference. Conduction takes place in solids by physical contact. It is more in metals and least in non-metals….
PTU HEAT TRANSFER QUESTION PAPER SOLUTION-SECTION-A Solution of university question is very helpful. It increases the clarity and understanding. Thus the knowledge is applied easily in practical applications. Q 1. Write briefly: (a) What is conduction shape factor? ANS: Conduction shape factor will be there for a plain wall, cylindrical body and a spherical…
AIR CONDITIONER TYPES CLASS NOTES FOR ENGINEERING The air conditioning is an integral part of any home, office, restaurant, cinema and industry. Making the right selection is crucial. Comfort & energy consumption are interrelated. Different cooling requirements use different types of refrigeration units. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Domestic applications use window and…
CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Convection heat transfer is of two types. That is free and forced convection. Free convection starts in stationary fluids. Forced convection heat transfer is in moving fluids. Motion is caused by a pump or a fan. It takes place in fluids (liquids, vapors and gases). Convection is…
FACTOR OF SAFETY MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) WITH ANSWERS MCQ on factor of safety increases understanding and clarity. Factor of safety is extremely important in design of machine elements. Factor safety takes care of the uncertainties of all types. Uncertainties are due to type of load, the manner of load application and amount…
FIN HEAT TRANSFER CLASS NOTES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Fin is a solid extended surface or a combined conduction convection system. Heat is transferred by Conduction within the solid and by convection from the fin surface in a PERPENDICULAR direction to that of conduction. Finally heat is lost to the surroundings. Fins exponentially increase the rate of…