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Q2. Explain different phases of flow boiling.
Flow boiling is much more complex than nucleate boiling. Here it is a two phase heat transfer. Consider a vertical tube as shown in figure.
Sub-cooled liquid is entering from below. It is getting heat from the tube heated externally at constant heat flux. Different phases of flow boiling with changing dryness fraction are observed. These phases are
Single phase liquid at entrance -at a temperature lower than the boiling point
Saturated liquid- at the boiling temperature
Bubbly flow-vapors starts forming and going up with rest of the liquid.
Slug flow regime: small vapors already formed change into bigger bubbles called slugs. Hence the flow is slug flow.
Annular flow: Rate of vapor formation increases. The vapors start moving as a central core. Liquid is moving in an annulus around the vapors flow.
Mist flow: Dryness fraction becomes slightly greater than 0.25, the annular liquid disappears and vapors are carrying drops of liquid.
Only dry saturated vapors flow.
Q3. Derive three dimensional heat conduction equations in spherical coordinates. Reduce the equation to one dimension, steady state without internal heat generation.
The final equation will be in Spherical coordinates as given below:
Second order differential equation (3 Dimensional)
∂2t/∂r2 + (2/r) ∂t/∂r + (1/r2sinϴ)∂/∂ϴ[sinϴ∂t/∂ϴ] + (1/ r2sin2ϴ) ∂2t/∂Ф2 +qg./k =(1/ ) ∂t/∂ȥ
Size of the spherical element will be dr, r dϴ and r sinϴ dФ
This is the size of a spherical element.
[It is exactly similar to a piece which a water melon seller gives to a customer who is interested to by a water melon. It is done to insure that seller is selling only sweet melon).
Inside the sphere there is a heat generation per unit volume = q.g
Total heat generated= q.g δV
Qr =-k Ar ∂t/∂r = -k (rdϴ)( r sinϴ dФ) ∂t/∂r
Qr = -k (rdϴ)( r sinϴ dФ) ∂t/∂r
Energy balance for the element
In the radial direction
Qr+dr = Qr + (∂ Qr/∂r) dr
NET IN r direction =(∂ Qr/∂r) dr =(∂(-k (rdϴ)( r sinϴ dФ) ∂t/∂r) /∂r) dr
= –k dϴ sinϴ dФ ∂(r2∂t/∂r) /∂r) dr
=[ –kdr rdϴ rsinϴ dФ/r2] ∂(r2∂t/∂r) /∂r)
= –k [δV / r2 ][ r2∂2t/∂2r + 2r ∂t/∂r]
= —k{[ δV][ ∂2t/∂2r] + (1/r) ∂t/∂r}
(∂Qr/∂r) dr = –k δV[∂2t/∂2r] + (1/r) ∂t/∂r] (1)
In the ϴ direction ( r-Ф plane)
Qϴ = -k [( r sinϴ dФ dr) ∂t/(r∂ϴ)][ rdϴ]
= –k [(rdϴ r sinϴ dФ dr) ∂t/(r∂ϴ)]
Qϴ = —(k/r) δV ∂t/∂ϴ
Qϴ+dϴ = Qϴ + (∂Qϴ / r∂ϴ)rdϴ
Substitute the value of Qϴ
We get the net outflow in ϴ direction
Qϴ+dϴ — Qϴ = (∂Qϴ / r∂ϴ) rd ϴ
(∂Qϴ / r∂ϴ) rd ϴ = (∂/r sinϴ[-(k/r) δV ∂t/∂ϴ] / r∂ϴ)
= –(k/r2sin ϴ) δV∂2t/∂2ϴ (2)
© QФ = –k (r dϴ dr) ∂t/(r sinϴ ∂Ф)]
Similarly net flow in Ф direction will be
QФ+dФ = QФ + ∂QФ/r sinϴ ∂Ф) r sinϴ ∂Ф
— QФ =dQФ = (dQФ/rsinϴdФ) rsinϴdФ
(dQФ/rsinϴdФ) rsinϴdФ =–k (r dϴ dr)/(r sinϴ)∂2t/∂2ФX 1/r sinϴ (3)
= –k [δV/ r2sin2ϴ] ∂2t/∂2Ф
Rate of change of heat inside= ρ δVcp∂t/∂ ȥ (4)
Now combining equations (1), (2), (3) and (4), we get
-k δV[∂2t/∂2r]+(1/r) ∂t/∂r]- (k/r2sin ϴ) δV∂2t/∂2ϴ-(k/r2sin ϴ) δV∂2t/∂2ϴ+ q.gδV = ρδVcp∂t/∂ ȥ
Rearranging and dividing by k δV, we get
∂2t/∂r2 + (2/r) ∂t/∂r + (1/r2sinϴ)∂/∂ϴ[sinϴ∂t/∂ϴ] + (1/ r2sin2ϴ) ∂2t/∂Ф2 +qg./k =(1/ ) ∂t/∂ȥ
Q4. Derive relation of emissive power for non-black long parallel plates.
Assumptions used
Configuration factor for either surface is unity i.e. f12=1 and f21=1
There is a non absorbing medium like air between these surfaces.
Properties like emissivity, reflectivity and absorptivity are constant over the entire surfaces.
Let surface 1 emits E1 with α1, Є1 at temperature T1 and surface 2 emits E2 with α2, Є2 at temperature T2
After number of reflections
Q1net =E1–[α1 (1– α2) E1+ α1 (1—α1) (1—α2)2E1 + α1 (1—α1)2 (1– α2)3 E1+…………………….]
After number of reflections
We get Q1net =E1— After number of reflections
Firstly Q1net =E1— α1(1– α2)E1[1 + (1—α1) (1—α2)+ (1—α1)2 (1– α2)2 +…………]
Secondly Q1net =E1— α1 (1– α2) E1 [1 +Z+Z2 + Z3 + …………]
Where Z= (1—α1) (1—α2)
As Z<1 the sum of the series 1+Z+Z2+Z3+……………. =1/ (1—Z)
Q1net =E1— α1 (1– α2) E1/ (1—Z)
Q1net =E1 [1— α1 (1– α2)/ (1– (1—α1) (1—α2)]
As per Kirchhoff’s law α=Є i.e. α1=Є1 and α2=Є2
Q1net =E1 [1— Є1 (1– Є2)/ (1– (1—Є1) (1—Є2)]
Q1net =E1 [1— (1– Є1) (1– Є2) — Є1 (1– Є2)]/ [(1– (1—Є1) (1—Є2)]
It is net energy going from body 1 towards body 2.
Similarly Q2net
It is net energy going from body 2 towards body 1.
Radiation Exchange between surfaces 1 and 2
Q12 = Q1 –Q2 =
Now E1 = σ T14 and E2= σ T24
Q12 =Є1 Є2σ (T14 – T24)/( Є1 + Є2 — Є1 Є2)
Q12 =f12 σ (T14 — T24)
where f12 is interchange factor or configuration factor for grey bodies
Q5. Prove by dimensional analysis for natural convection, Nu = f(Gr, Pr).
Nu = h L/kf
h = f(ρ,L,μ, k,β,g, ∆t)
In this, β,g, ∆t represent buoyant force and has the dimensions of LT—2
Therefore total number of variables = 7
Total number of fundamental dimensions are M,L,T andϴ = 4
Therefore number of π terms = 7—4 = 3
Firstly Π1 = ρa1Lb1 μc1 kd1, h
Secondly Π2 = ρa2Lb2 μc2 kd2Cp
Thirdly Π3 = ρa3Lb3 μc3 kd3β g ∆t
For Π1 term
M0L0T0ϴ0 = (ML-3) a1 (L)b1 (ML-1T-1)c1(MLT-3ϴ-1)d1 (ML-3 ϴ-1)
Now equate the powers of M,L,T and ϴ on both sides
We get for
M 0 = a1+b1+c1+d1+1
L 0 = -3a1+b1–c1+d1
T 0 = –c1–3d1—3
ϴ 0 = — d1—1
Therefore a1=0, b1=1, c1 = 0 and d1 = –1
Π1 = Lk—1h
Π1 = hL/k (1)
For Π2 term
M0L0T0ϴ0 = (ML-3) a2 (L)b2 (ML-1T-1)c2(MLT-3ϴ-1)d2 (ML-3 ϴ-1)
Now equate the powers of M,L,T and ϴ on both sides
We get for
M 0 = a2+c2+d2
L 0 = -3a2+b2—c2+d2 + 2
T 0 = –c2–3d2—2
ϴ 0 = — d2—1
Therefore a2=0, b2=1, c2 = 1 and d2 = -1
we get
Firstly Π1 = μCp k—1
Secondly Π2 = μCp/k
Thirdly Π3 term
M0L0T0ϴ0 = (ML-3) a3 (L)b3 (ML-1T-1)c3(MLT-3ϴ-1)d3 (ML-3 ϴ-1)
Now equate the powers of M,L,T and ϴ on both sides
We get for
M 0 = a3+c3+d3
L 0 = -3a3+b3—c3+d3 + 1
T 0 = –c3–3d3—2
ϴ 0 = — d3
Therefore a3=2, b3=3, c3 = –2 and d3 = 0
Π3 = ρ2 L3 μ–2 (βg ∆t)
Π3 = ρ2 L3 (βg ∆t)/ μ2 = (βg ∆t)/ν2
Nu = f(Pr, Gr)
Nu = (Pr, Gr)m hence proved
Q6. The temperature rise of cold fluid in a heat exchanger is 20°C and temperature drop of hot fluid is 30°C. The effectiveness of heat exchanger is 0.6. The heat exchanger area is 1m2and U = 60 W/m2 °C. Find the rate of heat transfer.
∆t cold = 200C, ∆thot = 30°C,
ε =0.6,
A = 1m2,
U = 60 W/m2 °C
Heat gained by cold fluid = heat lost by hot fluid
We get
Cc 20 = Ch 30, Therefore Cc > Ch, Ch is minimum.
C =C min/C max = 3/2
We know
ε =0.6 = {1—-exp[-NTU(1+C)]}/(1+C) = {1—-exp[-NTU(1+1.5)]}/(1+1.5)
0.6 = {1—-exp[–2.5NTU]}/(2.5)
1.5 = 1—-exp[–2.5NTU]
—exp[–2.5NTU] = –0.5
[–2.5NTU] = 0.5
Taking log on both sides
We get
–2.5 NTU = 0.4990 –1 = –0.5010
NTU = 0.002 = UA/Cmin = 60 x 1/ Cmin
Cmin = 60/0.002 = 30000
q. = Cmin 20 = 30000 x 20 = 600000 kJ/h =167 k/s = 167 kW PTU HT PAPER SOL A PTU HT PAPER SOL A