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MCQ on thin shells are extremely

important to understand in a better way.

Stresses in a thin shell are uniform.

Stresses do not vary along the thickness of

the vessel. Use of thin vessels is in most of

the industries.

Fig. Longitudinal Failure of a Thin Cylinder (Hoop stress)

Fig. Circumferential Failure of a Thin Cylinder (Longitudinal stresses)

1. A vessel is thin if

  1. Its wall has less thickness

  2. Stresses are uniform over the entire thickness

  3. Stresses  vary at inner and at outer radius

  4. None of the above

(Ans: b)

 2. In a thin vessel, the true ratio of D/t is 

  1. D/t =20

  2. D/t=10

  3. D/t >20

  4. D/t >10

(Ans: c)

 3. Hoop stress in a thin vessel is

  1. Firstly       pD/2t

  2. Secondly  pD/4t

  3. Thirdly     pD/3t

  4. None

(Ans: a)

4. Strength of a rivet in shear is

  1. d x t x τ

  2. (π/4)d2 τ

  3. Both (a) & (b)

  4. None

(Ans: d)

5. Strength of a rivet in tension is

  1. d x t x σt

  2. (π/4)d2 σt

  3. Both (a) & (b)

  4. None

(Ans: d)

6. Strength of a rivet in compression is

  1. d x t x σc

  2. (π/4)d2 σc

  3. Both (a) & (b)

  4. None

(Ans: a)

7. Which stress is the least in a thin shell

  1. Longitudinal stress

  2. Hoop stress

  3. Radial stress

  4. None

(Ans: c)

8. Among the cylindrical and spherical thin vessels of same material, diameter and pressure which has the lesser thickness

  1. Cylindrical shell

  2. Spherical shell

  3. Cylindrical shell with semi spherical heads

  4. None

(Ans: b)

9. Radial stress in a thin shell is 

  1. Firstly          p D/2t

  2. Secondly     p D/4t

  3. Thirdly         p D/3t

  4. None

(Ans: d)

10. When are the longitudinal and hoop stresses equal in a thin shell?

  1. Firstly          Longitudinal joint η =2 circumferential joint η

  2. Secondly      Longitudinal joint η = circumferential joint η

  3. Thirdly          2 Longitudinal joint η = circumferential joint η

  4. None

(Ans: c)

11.  A thin cylindrical shell under internal pressure can fail by

  1. Shear

  2. Compression

  3. Tension

  4. None

(Ans: c)

12. Failure of a thin spherical shell under internal pressure will be due to

  1. Maximum shear stress

  2. Principal compressive stress

  3. Principal tensile stress

  4. None

(Ans: c)

13. A thin cylinder fails under internal pressure along the

  1. Longitudinal joint

  2. Circumferential joint

  3. Longitudinal as well as circumferential joint

  4. None

(Ans: c)

 14. What is the ratio of hoop stresses in a

spherical vs cylindrical shell of same

diameter, thickness and under same


  1. 4:1

  2. 2:1

  3. 1:2

  4. 1:4

(Ans: c)

 15. Stresses in a thin cylindrical shell under internal pressure is independent of

  1. Diameter

  2. Thickness

  3. Length

  4. Diameter and thickness

(Ans: c)

 16. Which stress is the basis of design of a

thin shell under pressure?

  1. Radial stress

  2. Longitudinal stress

  3. Hoop stress

  4. All the three stresses

(Ans: c)

17.  Which is most predominant type of failure in a thin shell?

  1. Bearing failure

  2. Compression failure

  3. Crushing failure

  4. None

(Ans: d)

18. Which one is most important in a thin shell?

  1. d/t <20

  2. d/t> 10

  3. Stresses are uniform

  4. None

(Ans: c)

 19. Hoop strain in a thin shell is

  1. Firstly          σh /E

  2. Secondly      σl /E

  3. Thirdly          3 σh /E

  4. None

(Ans: d)

 20. Longitudinal  strain in a thin shell is

  1. Firstly          σh /E

  2. Secondly      σl /E

  3.  Thirdly         σr /E

  4. None

(Ans: d)

21.  Considering σh, σl and σr, maximum shear stress will be

  1. Firstly          (σh—σl) /2

  2. Secondly     (σl— σh) /2

  3. Thirdly         (σh + σr) /2

  4. None

(Ans: c)

 22. Value of σr in a thin shell is

  1. Firstly          p D/2t

  2. Secondly     p D/4t

  3. Thirdly         p D/3t

  4. None

(Ans: d)

 23. Which stress is negligible In a thin shell


  1. Firstly          σh

  2. Secondly     σl

  3. Thirdly        σr

  4. None

(Ans: c)


https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=1634&action=edit        Design thin pressure vessel

https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=7761&action=edit        Thin shells theory

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