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Maximum deflection in a S.S. Beam with ‘W’ not at the center will be
(a) W b (L2 –b2)1.5/3√3 EI
(b) W b (L2 –b2)1.5 /6√3 EI

(c) W b (L2 –b2)1.5/ 9√3 EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Deflection under the load in a S.S. Beam with ‘W’ not at the center will be
(a) 4Wa2b2/3 EIL
(b) 2Wa2b2/3 EIL
(c) Wa2b2/3 EIL
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Distance of maximum deflection from the center in a S.S. Beam with ‘W’ not at the center will be
(a) [2 (L2—b2)/3]0.5
(b) [(L2—b2)/3]0.5
(c) [(3L2—b2)/3]0.5
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Maximum slope in a cantilever beam with a moment M at the free end will be
(a) 3ML/EI
(b) 2ML/EI
(c) ML/EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam with a moment M at the free end will be
(a) 3M2L/2EI
(b) 2M2L/2EI
(c) M2L/2EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Which bracket is used in Macaulay’s Method of slope and deflection
(a) Parentheses ( )
(b) square brackets [ ]
(c) braces { }
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Difference in slopes between two points A and B by the moment area method is given by
(a) Area of BMD between A and B/2EI
(b) Area of BMD between A and B/3EI
(c) Area of BMD between A and B/EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Difference in deflections between two points A and B by the moment area method is given by
(a) (Area of BMD between A and B) . XB/2EI
(b) (Area of BMD between A and B) . XB /3EI
(c) (Area of BMD between A and B) . XB /EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

In the strain energy method of slope and deflection, load is applied
(a) Gradually
(b) Suddenly
(c) With an impact
(d) None
(Ans: c)

 A prop is used to cause
(a) Less deflection
(b) More deflection
(c) No change in deflection
(d) None
(Ans: a)

Props can be used in
(a) S.S. Beam
(b) Cantilever beam
(c) S.S. beam as well as cantilever
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Deflection due to shear is significant in
(a) Long beams
(b) Short beams
(c) Long as well as short beams
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Macaulay’s method is more convenient for beams carrying
(a) Single concentrated load
(b) UDL
(c) Multi-loads
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Slope is found by moment area method by using
(a) First moment of the area
(b) Second moment of the area
(c) Third moment of the area
(d) None
(Ans: d)

Deflection is found by moment area method by using
(a) First moment of the area
(b) Second moment of the area
(c) Third moment of the area
(d) None
(Ans: a)

Props are used to decrease
(a) Slope
(b) Deflection
(c) Slope as well as deflection
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Deflection due to shear force as compared to bending moment will be
(a) Equal
(b) Less
(c) More
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Deflection under a concentrated load not at the center (distance a from left support and distance b from right hand support) will be

(a) WL3/48EI

(b) 5WL3/384EI

(c)  Wa2 b2/3EI   where a =  L–b

(d) None

(Ans: c)

Macaulay’s method is more convenient for beams carrying
(a) Multi concentrated loads

(b) Multi number of UDL
(c) Multi-concentrated and multi UDL loads
(d) None
(Ans: c)

A beam is designed on the basis of

(a) Maximum deflection

(b) Minimum deflection

(c) Maximum slope

(d) None

(Ans: a)

A beam is designed on the basis of

(a) Maximum bending moment

(b) Minimum shear force

(c) Maximum bending moment as well as for maximum shear force

(d) None

(Ans: c)

 Which one method is the best for finding slope and deflection
(a) Double integration method
(b) Macaulay ’s method
(c) Strain energy method
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Slope at a point in a beam is the
(a) Vertical displacement
(b) Angular displacement
(c) Horizontal displacement
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Deflection at a point in a beam is the
(a) Vertical displacement
(b) Angular displacement
(c) Horizontal displacement
(d) None
(Ans: a)

Identify the differential equation for finding slope and deflection
(a) EI d2y/dx2 = –M
(b) EI d2y/dx2 = +M
(c) EI d2y/dx2 = ±M
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum deflection in a S.S. beam with W at center will be
(a) WL3/36EI
(b) WL3/24EI
(c) WL3/48EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum deflection in a S.S. beam with W at center will be
(a) At the left hand support
(b) At the Right support
(c) At the center
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum slope in a S.S. beam with W at center will be
(a) At the supports
(b) At the center
(c) In between the support and the center
(d) None
(Ans: a)
Maximum slope in a S.S. beam with W at center will be
(a) WL2/16EI
(b) WL2/32EI
(c) WL2/48EI
(d) None
(Ans: a)
Maximum deflection in a S.S. beam with UDL ‘w’ over the entire span will be
(a) 3wL4/584EI
(b) 5wL4/384EI
(c) 7wL4/384EI
(Ans: b)

Maximum deflection in a S.S. beam with UDL ‘w’ over the entire span will be
(a) At the left hand support
(b) At the Right support
(c) At the center
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum slope in a S.S. beam with UDL ‘w’ over the entire span will be
(a) At the supports
(b) At the center
(c) In between the support and the center
(d) None
(Ans: a)
Maximum slope in a S.S. beam with UDL ‘w’ over the entire span will be
(a) wL3/16EI
(b) wL3/24EI
(c) wL3/48EI
(d) None
(Ans: b)

Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam with W at the free end will be
(a) WL3/6EI
(b) WL3/2EI
(c) WL3/3EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam with W at the free end will be
(a) At the free end
(b) At the fixed end
(c) At the center
(d) None
(Ans: a)

Maximum slope in a cantilever beam with W at the free end will be
(a) At the free end
(b) At the center
(c) At the fixed end
(d) None
(Ans: a)
Maximum slope in a cantilever beam with W at the free end will be
(a) WL2/4EI
(b) WL2/8EI
(c) WL2/2EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)
Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam with UDL ‘w’ over the entire length will be
(a) wL4/4EI
(b) wL4/12EI
(c) wL4/8EI
(d) None
(Ans: c)

Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam with with UDL ‘w’ over the entire length will be
(a) At the free end
(b) At the fixed end
(c) At the center
(d) None
(Ans: a)

Maximum slope in a cantilever beam with with UDL ‘w’ over the entire length will be
(a) At the free end
(b) At the center
(c) At the fixed end
(d) None
(Ans: a)
Maximum slope in a cantilever beam with with UDL ‘w’ over the entire length will be
(a) wL3/9EI
(b) wL3/6EI
(c) wL3/3EI
(d) None
(Ans: b)


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