Many solids are internally different from
outside. Section of solids helps to know
the hidden internal details of a solid.
Both parallel and inclined sections are
taken. Section lines inclined at 450 to VP &
represent the sectioned portion. The
spacing between the section lines is equal.
Section of solids is to know the
(a) Visible edges
(b) Outer boundary lines
(c) Invisible edges
(d) None
ANS: (c )
2. Solid portion cut is represented by lines
(a) Parallel to HP
(b) Perpendicular to HP
(c ) Parallel & perpendicular to HP
(d) None
ANS: ( d)
3. Cut Portion by a section plane is shown by lines
(a) Perpendicular to VP
(b) Parallel to VP
(c ) Parallel & perpendicular to VP
(d) None
ANS: ( d)
4. Portion cut by a section plane is shown by lines
(a) Inclined to HP
(b) Perpendicular to VP
(c ) Parallel & perpendicular VP
(d) None
ANS: ( d)
5. Portion cut by a section plane is shown by lines inclined to
(a) HP
(b) VP
(c ) HP & VP
(d) None
ANS: ( c)
6. Angle of section lines with HP & VP is
(a) 300
(b) 600
(c) 900
(d) None
ANS: (d)
7. Section lines are inclined to HP & VP at an angle of
(a) 250
(b) 450
(c) 600
(d) None
ANS: (b)
8. When section plane is parallel to HP, True shape of section is obtained on
(a) VP
(b) HP
(c) HP & VP
(d) None
ANS: (b)
9. If section plane is parallel to VP, True shape of section is obtained on
(a) HP
(b) VP & HP
(c) VP
(d) None
ANS: (c)
10. Cutting plane is inclined to HP & parallel to VP, True shape of section is obtained on
(a) VP & HP
(b) HP
(c) VP
(d) None
ANS: (c)
11. Section plane is inclined to VP & parallel to HP, True shape of section is obtained on
(a) Vertical Plane
(b) Horizontal Plane
(c) Horizontal & Vertical Planes
(d) None
ANS: (b)
12. Cutting plane is inclined to HP & VP, true shape of cut portion is seen on
(a) Horizontal Plane
(b) Vertical Plane
(c) Horizontal & vertical Plane
(d) None
ANS: (d)
13. True shape of section is obtained on HP if the cutting plane is inclined to
(a) VP
(b) HP
(c) HP & VP
(d) None
ANS: (d)
14. Apparent shape of section is obtained if the cutting plane is
(a) Parallel to VP
(b) Parallel to VP
(c) Perpendicular to HP
(d) None
ANS: (d)
15. Solid is cut by a section. In order to obtain the apparent shape of the section, the cutting plane be
(a) Parallel
(b) Perpendicular
(c) Inclined
(d) None
ANS: (c )
16. In order to get frustum of a cone, cutting plane be
(a) Inclined to the solid base
(b) perpendicular to the solid base
(c) Parallel to solid base
(d) None
ANS: (c)
17. Frustum of a solid is
(a) Less than the base size
(b) Equal to the base size
(c) Greater than the base size
(d) None
ANS: (a)
18. Apparent view of a solid is
(a) Greater than the base size
(b) Less than the base size
(c) Less than the base size
(d) None
ANS: (c)
19. Section plane perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP has its VT
Inclined to HP
Perpendicular to HP
Parallel to HP
ANS: (c )
20. Section plane perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP has its VT
Inclined to XY
Perpendicular to XY
Parallel to XY
ANS: (c )
21. Section plane perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP has its HT
Inclined to VP
Perpendicular to VP
Parallel to VP
ANS: ( c )
22. Section plane perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP has its HT
Inclined to XY
Perpendicular to XY
Parallel to XY
ANS: (c )
23. Section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP has its VT
Inclined to HP
Parallel to HP
Perpendicular to HP
ANS: (a )
24. Section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP has its VT
Inclined to XY
Perpendicular to XY
Parallel to XY
ANS: (a)
25. The HT of a plane is a line parallel to xy when the plane is
Parallel to HP
Parallel to VP
Perpendicular to VP
ANS: (d)
26. The HT of a plane is a line parallel to xy when the plane is
Parallel to HP
Parallel to VP
Perpendicular to HP
ANS: (c)
27. The VT of a plane is a line parallel to xy when the plane is
Parallel to HP
Parallel to VP
Perpendicular to VP
ANS: (c)
28. The HT of a plane is a line inclined to xy and below xy when the plane is
Perpendicular to HP & inclined to VP
Parallel to VP
Inclined to VP
ANS: (a) Q. ANS section of solids Projections of solid