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Degrees of freedom are the number of

independent variables for free motion of

a body or a mechanism. MCQ on degrees

of freedom increases the level of understanding

and clarity. A particle in space has threes of freedom.

A rigid body in space has six degrees of freedom.

Motions are decreased by constraints. A simple

supports reduces one degree of freedom. A pivot

support reduces two degrees of freedom. A fixed

support reduces three degrees of freedom. All

machines and mechanisms have restricted motion.

Thus some constraints are put on these.

Fig. Six Degrees of Freedom

1. Number of degrees of freedom is

(a) Minimum independent variables
(b) Maximum number of independent variables
(c) Can’t say
(d) None
ANS: (b)

2. A car moving on a road has

(a) 2 degrees of freedom
(b) 3 degrees of freedom
(c) 4 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (a)

3. A ship moving in an ocean has

(a) 2 degrees of freedom
(b) 3 degrees of freedom
(c) 4 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (c)

4. A plane moving in space has

(a) 3 degrees of freedom
(b) 6 degrees of freedom
(c) 9 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (b)

5. Degrees of freedom of a point in space is

(a) 3 degrees of freedom
(b) 6 degrees of freedom
(c) 9 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (a)

6. A planar mechanism has

(a) 3 degrees of freedom
(b) 6 degrees of freedom
(c) 9 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (a)

7. A space mechanism has

(a) 3 degrees of freedom
(b) 6 degrees of freedom
(c) 9 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (b)

8. Example of a special mechanism is

(a) Crane
(b) Sliding pair
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None
ANS: (a)

9. Example of a plane mechanism is

(a) Crane
(b) Sliding pair
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None
ANS: (b)

10. Minimum number of fixed links in a mechanism is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

11. Number of degrees of a mechanism in space with n links with m fixed links is

(a) f = 6 (n-m)
(b) f = 6n-m
(c) f =3 (n-m)
(d) None
ANS: (a)

12. Number of degrees of a mechanism in space with n links with one fixed links is

(e) f = 6 (n-2)
(f) f = 6n-m
(g) f =6 (n-1)
(h) None
ANS: (c)

13. A mechanism having 6 degrees of freedom has

(a) One constraint
(b) Two constraints
(c) Three constraints
(d) None
ANS: (d)

14. A mechanism having 6 degrees of freedom has

(a) One constraint
(b) Two constraints
(c) Zero constraints
(d) None
ANS: (c)

15. A pair having one degree of freedom puts

(a) 1 constraint
(b) 3 constraints
(c) 5 constraints
(d) None
ANS: (c)

16. A pair having three degrees of freedom puts

(a) One constraint
(b) Two constraints
(c) Three constraints
(d) None
ANS: (c)

17. A planar mechanism has 3 degrees of freedom. A planar mechanism having (n-1) moveable links has degrees of freedom

(a) f = (n-1)
(b) f= 2 (n-1)
(c) f= 3 (n-1)
(d) None
ANS: (c)

18. An interconnected set of bodies has

(a) 6 degrees of freedom
(b) Unknown number of degree of freedom
(c) 9 degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (b)

19. For a planar motion, a single support reduces degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

20. For a planar motion, a hinge support reduces degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (b)

21. For a planar motion, a fixed support reduces degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (c)

22. For motion in space, a hinge support reduces degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) None
ANS: (c)

23. For motion in space, a sliding connection reduces degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) None
ANS: (c)

24. Kutzbach empirical formula is to find the degrees of freedom. For a mechanism has
only plane motion with P1 & P2 lower pairs & higher pairs and (N-1) moving links. The number of degrees of freedom is

(a) f = 3 (N – 1) – P1 – 2P2

(b) f = 3 (N – 1) – 2P1 – P2

(c) f = 3 (N – 1) – P1 – P2

(d) None

ANS: (b)

25. A lower reduces the degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

26. A higher pair reduces the degrees of freedom by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (b)

27. Different constraints reduce the degrees of freedom by

(a) Same number
(b) Different number
(c) Can’t say
(d) None
ANS: (b)

28. A revolute joint has how many degrees of freedom

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

29. A prismatic joint has how many degrees of freedom

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

30. A rolling contact joint has how many degrees of freedom

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

31. A gear joint has how many degrees of freedom

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

32. A revolute joint has how many degrees of freedom

(e) 1
(f) 2
(g) 3
(h) None
ANS: (a)

33. A system having degrees of freedom f >1 means, the system has degrees of freedom

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) f
(d) None
ANS: (c)

34. A system having zero degrees of freedom means, the system is a

(a) Sling motion
(b) Rotary motion
(c) Static
(d) None
ANS: (c0

35. A system having degrees of freedom f <1 means, the system is

(a) Statically determinate
(b) Statically indeterminate
(c) Can’t say
(d) None
ANS: (b)

36. The degrees of freedom of a single spring mass system is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

37. The degrees of freedom of a single disc shaft system is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

38. The degrees of freedom of a simple pendulum system is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

39. The degrees of freedom of a four bar linkage is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
(e) ANS: (a)

40. The degrees of freedom of a single crank is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (a)

41. The degrees of freedom of two spring mass system is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (b)

42. The degrees of freedom of a two rotor system is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None

ANS: (b)

43. The degrees of freedom of a single mass connected to two springs in perpendicular directions is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (b)

44. The degrees of freedom during skidding of a vehicle is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (c)

45. The degrees of freedom are found in

(a) Robotics
(b) Kinematics
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None
ANS: (c)

46. Degrees of freedom added by adding a link to a mechanism is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) None
ANS: (c)

47. Number of degrees of freedom for a general kinematic chain with’ n’ links &’ j ‘ joints is

(a) n—3j-3
(b) 2n—3j-3
(c) 3n –3j-3
(d) None
ANS: (c)

48. Do number of degrees of freedom considers link dimensions

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None
ANS: (b)

49. Moving backward in a translation motion is

(a) Surging
(b) Heaving
(c) Swaying
(d) None
ANS: (a)

50. Moving forward in a translation motion is

(a) Surging
(b) Heaving
(c) Walking
(d) None
ANS: (c)

51. Moving right in a translation motion is

(a) Surging
(b) Heaving
(c) Swaying
(d) None
ANS: (c)

52. Moving left in a translation motion is

(e) Surging
(f) Heaving
(g) Stratifying
(h) None
ANS: (c)

53. Moving down in a translation motion is

(a) Elevating
(b) Heaving
(c) Swaying
(d) None
ANS: (b)

54. Moving up in a translation motion is

(i) Elevating
(j) Heaving
(k) Swaying
(l) None
ANS: (a)

55. Rotating about normal axis in rotational degrees of freedom is

(a) Roll
(b) Pitch
(c) Yaw
(d) None
ANS: (c)

56. Rotating about lateral axis in rotational degrees of freedom is

(a) Roll
(b) Pitch
(c) Yaw
(d) None
ANS: (b)

57. Rotating about longitudinal axis in rotational degrees of freedom is

(a) Roll
(b) Pitch
(c) Yaw
(d) None
ANS: (a)

58. A constrained body vs unconstrained body has

(a) More degrees of freedom
(b) Less degrees of freedom
(c) Equal degrees of freedom
(d) None
ANS: (b)

59. The basic concept of degree of freedom was recognized by

(a) Carl Friedrich Gauss
(b) William Sealy Gosset
(c) Ronald Fisher
(d) None
ANS: (a)

60. The concept in detail of degree of freedom was developed by

(a) Carl Friedrich Gauss
(b) William Sealy Gosset
(c) Ronald Fisher
(d) None
ANS: (b)

61. The use of degree of freedom was popularized by

(a) Carl Friedrich Gauss
(b) William Sealy Gosset
(c) Ronald Fisher
(d) None
ANS: (a)

62. The formula for degrees of freedom for single variable samples is

(a) N-1

(b) N-2

(c) N-3

(d) None

ANS: (a)

64. The formula for degrees of freedom for two variables samples in term of Chi-squares is

(a) (R-1)x (C-1)

(b) (R-2) x (C-2)

(c) (R-3) x (C-3)

(d) None

ANS: (a)

https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=7482&action=edit  Degrees of Freedom

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