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  1. Condensation is change of vapor to liquid phase on cooling at

  1. Constant temperature

  2. Varying temperature

  3. Varying pressure

  4. None

ANS: (a)

  1. During condensation, heat given out is

    1. Sensible heat

    2. Latent heat

    3. Sensible & latent heat

    4. None

                ANS: (b)

  1. During condensation, heat given out is

    1. Small

    2. large

    3. Medium

    4. None

                 ANS: (b)

  1. After condensation, the density

    1. Remains as before condensation

    2. Changes by small value

    3. Changes with large value

    4. None

                 ANS: (c )

  1. After condensation, the specific heat

    1. Remains as before condensation

    2. Changes by small value

    3. Changes with large value

    4. None

                  ANS: (c )

  1. After condensation, the thermal conductivity

    1. Remains as before condensation

    2. Changes by small value

    3. Changes with large value

    4. None

                 ANS: (c )

  1. After condensation, the viscosity

    1. Remains as before condensation

    2. Changes by small value

    3. Changes with large value

    4. None

                  ANS: (c )

  1. The cooled surface temperature is to

    1. Higher than vapor saturation temperature

    2. Lower than the vapor saturation temperature

    3. Higher or lower than vapor saturation temperature

    4. None

                 ANS: (b)

  1. During film condensation, liquid formed

    1. Wets the solid surface

    2. Does not wet the solid surface

    3. Can’t say

    4. None

                ANS: (a)

  1. The liquid formed after condensation flows due to

    1. Buoyancy force

    2. Gravity force

    3. Buoyancy & gravity force

    4. None

                  ANS: (b)

  1. The liquid film formed on the solid surface

    1. Increases the further heat transfer

    2. Decreases the further heat transfer

    3. Increases & decreases further heat transfer

    4. None

                  ANS: (b)

  1. In drop-wise condensation, liquid formed

    1. Wets the solid surface

    2. Does not wet the solid surface

    3. Can’t say

    4. None

                ANS: (b)

  1.  In drop-wise condensation, a liquid film is formed 

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Yes & no

    4. None

                ANS: (b)

  1. Heat transfer during drop-wise as compared to film-wise condensation is

    1. More

    2. Less

    3. Very less

    4. None

               ANS: (a)

  1. Ratio of heat transferred during drop-wise vs film-wise condensation is

    1. 2

    2. 5

    3. 10

    4. None

                 ANS: (c )

  1.  In drop-wise condensation, the cooling surface is coated with

    1. Soap

    2. Oil

    3. Salt

    4. None

                  ANS: (b)

  1. Design of condensers use

    1. Film-wise condensation

    2. Drop-wise condensation

    3. Film-wise & drop-wise condensation

    4. None

                 ANS: (a)

  1. The temperature variation in the liquid film varies

    1. Parabolic

    2. Linear

    3. Parabolic + linear

    4. None

                 ANS: (b)

  1. The temperature of the film at the cooled surface is

    1. Greater than cooled surface temperature

    2. Less than the cooled surface temperature

    3. Equal to the cooled surface temperature

    4. None

                 ANS: (c )

  1. The temperature at the outer surface of film is

    1. Saturation temperature

    2. Less than the cooled surface temperature

    3. Equal to the cooled surface temperature

    4. None

                   ANS: (a)

  1. The film formed is

    1. Laminar

    2. Turbulent

    3. Laminar+ turbulent

    4. None

                ANS: (c)

  1. Mean velocity of liquid flow in film is

    1. ρ gδ/3µ

    2. ρgδ2/3µ

    3. ρgδ3/3µ

    4. None

                   ANS: (b)

  1. Local heat transfer coefficient in film condensation at film thickness δ is

    1. 3k/δ

    2. 2k/δ

    3. k/δ

    4. None

               ANS: (c )

https://mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=14131&action=edit                      MCQ Boiling

https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=2717&action=edit         Q. A. Boiling Cond



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