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When a gas is at a lower than its

inversion temperature, cooling

occurs on expansion. Thus, must

bring gases below inversion

temperatures before liquefaction.

1. When air expands at room temperature

(a) Produce heating 
(b) Cooling  produces
(c) Neither heating nor cooling produces
(d) None
(Ans: b)

2. When Hydrogen expands at room temperature

(a) Produce heating 
(b) Cooling produces
(c) Neither heating nor cooling produces
(d) None
(Ans: a)

3. When Nitrogen expands at room temperature

(a) Produce heating 
(b) Cooling produces
(c) Neither heating nor cooling produces
(d) None
(Ans: b)

4. When Helium expands at room temperature

(a) Produce heating 
(b) Cooling produces
(c) Neither heating nor cooling produces
(d) None
(Ans: a)

5. When expansion occurs at a temperature higher than the inversion temperature

(a) Cooling takes place

(b) Heating takes place

(c) Neither cooling nor heating takes place

(d) None

(Ans: b)

6. When expansion occurs at a temperature lower than the inversion temperature

(a) Cooling takes place

(b) Heating takes place

(c) Neither cooling nor heating takes place

(d) None

(Ans: a)

7. When expansion occurs at the inversion temperature

(a) Cooling takes place

(b) Heating takes place

(c) Neither cooling nor heating takes place

(d) None

(Ans: c)

8. The inversion temperature of air is

(a) > 0

(b) <0

(c) = 0

(d) None

(Ans: a)

9. The inversion temperature of hydrogen is

(a) > 0

(b) <0

(c) = 0

(d) None

(Ans: b)

10. The inversion temperature of Helium is

(a) > 0

(b) <0

(c) = 0

(d) None

(Ans: b)

11. Principle of liquefaction of a gas is

(a) Free expansion

(b) Isentropic expansion

(c) Throttling expansion

(d) None

(Ans: c)

12. Pressure at which a gas liquefies

(a) > atmospheric pressure

(b) = atmospheric pressure

(c) < atmospheric pressure

(d) None

(Ans: b)

13. Which method of air liquefaction is more efficient

(a) Linde’s Method

(b) Claude’s Method

(c) Cascade Method

(d) None

(Ans: b)

14. Liquefaction brings

(a) Compactness

(b) Bulkiness

(c) compactness as well as bulkiness

(d) None

(Ans: a)

15. Critical temperature of carbon dioxide gas is

(a) +31.1 0C

(b) -31.10C

(c) -11.10C

(d) None

ANS: (a) 

16. Which gas cannot be liquefied by Linde’s Process

(a) Nitrogen

(b) Hydrogen

(c) Oxygen

(d) None

ANS: (b)

17. A gas is liquefied by

(a) First increasing the pressure & then decreasing

(b) Decreasing the pressure & then increasing 

(c) Both (a) & (b) 

ANS: (a)

20. Pressure at the critical temperature is

(a) low

(b) high

(c) Medium

(d) None

ANS: (b)

https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=945&action=edit         Cryogenics liquefaction theory

https://www.mesubjects.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=6673&action=edit       Cryogenics Air liquefaction

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