These equations deal with the hoop and
radial stresses variation in a thick cylinder.
Various cases considered are thick cylinder
subjected to fluid pressure only
internal/external or internal and external.
Lame’s equation determine the maximum
stresses and their location in the thick
Lame’s Equations are
σh = β/r2 + α
σr = β/r2 – α
Where α and β are Lame’s constants
There is a thick vessel subjected to internal fluid pressure pi at the inner radius ri. It is under external fluid pressure po at the outer radius ro.
We want to find the equations for σh and σr at any radius. It at any radius between ri and ro.
Fig. Thin Cylindrical element Fig. Longitudinal Failure
Consider a long open ended thick walled cylinder in Fig (a) and Fig.(b) subjected inside pressure pi and external pressure po. Inside pressure is high.
Considering the failure of the cylinder lengthwise.
Fig. a Consider two concentric sections at radius r and r + dr of length ‘l’ .
Cut this thin ring into two halves.
Fig. b
Consider its equilibrium under the forces acting due to σh and σr on the element
Applying the equation of equilibrium to the half ring element,
Sum of downward forces= Sum of upward forces
σh dr l+ σh dr l + (σr+ dσr) 2 (r +dr) l= σr 2rl
On simplification, we get
2 σh dr = –2dr σr –2rdσr—2dr dσr
Divide by 2dr and neglect dr dσr
We get
σh = — σr –r (dσr/dr) (1)
That a transverse plane remains a transverse plane before and after the fluid pressures are applied.
As per this assumption, longitudinal strain has to be constant.
ϵlong = σl/E — μσh/E +μ σr/E = constant
σl is constant and small. σl/E becomes extremely small,
therefore can be neglected.
Therefore — μσh/E +μ σr/E = constant
Taking out –μ/E, we get
σh — σr = constant= 2α (2)
(2α has been assumed to be constant because of convenience)
Substitute from eq (1) in eq (2), we get
σr + 2α = — σr –r (dσr/dr)
2 σr+ r (dσr/dr) =– 2α
Multiply each term by r
2r σr+ r2(dσr/dr) =– 2α r
Write it in the below form
d(r2 σr)/dr =– 2α r
Integrating, we get
r2 σr = — α r2 + β
σr = β/r2 — α (3)
Put this value in eq(1), we get
σh = β/r2 + α (4)
Eqs.(3) and (4) are Lames equations.
Lame’s Constants in Lame’s equations
The values of the Lame’s constants α and β can be found from the physical boundary conditions. These physical boundary conditions are applied to eq (3 ), we get
At r=ri, σr = pi+ pi = β/ri2 — α
At r=ro, σr =po po= β/ro2 — α
α = (piri2 –poro2) /(ro2 –ri2)
β = (r12 r22[pi—po]) /(ro2 –ri2)
Substitute the values of α and β in lame’s equations (3) and (4),
we get
σh = (r12 r22[pi—po])/[r2(ro2 –ri2)]+ (piri2 –poro2) /(ro2 –ri2)
On simplification, we get
σh = [(piri2 –poro2) + r12 r22/(ro2 –ri2)r2]/ (ro2 –ri2) (5)
σr = [(poro2 –piri2) + r12 r22/(ro2 –ri2)r2]/ (ro2 –ri2) (6)
From equations (5) and(6)
it is evident that the stresses are inversely proportional to the square of the radius. These stresses vary parabolically.
Maximum Stresses
From eq (5) it is evident that the maximum value of σh will occur at the innermost radius. It is given by
σhmax = [pi(ri2+ro2)—2poro2)]/ (ro2 –ri2)
From eq (6)
It is evident that the maximum value of σr is larger of pi or po. In our analysis it has been assumed that pi > po. Therefore σr will also be maximum at the innermost radius. Its value is equal to pi.
σr max = pi with pi > po
Longitudinal Stress
Longitudinal stress, σL = [piri2—poro2)]/ (ro2 –ri2).
This contain no variable. Hence it is constant. It is small as compared to the maximum values of σhmax and σr max . Hence σL is neglected.
Variations of hoop and radial stresses in a thick shell when plotted.
Fig. Variation of hoop and radial stresses in a thick under internal & external pressures
Hoop stress is tensile. It is maximum at the inner radius. Radial stress is compressive. It is also maximum at the inner radius with pi >po. Maximum hoop stress is much greater than maximum radial stress. Hence it is designed on the basis of hoop stress. MCQ Thick shells Stresses Thick Cylinder
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