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MCQ increase clarity and understanding.

The centroid axis does not coincide with

the neutral axis. Maximum stress occurs

on the innermost fiber.

Fig. Initially Curved cross section & Stress Distribution

hi distance of innermost fiber from N.A.

ho  distance of outermost fiber from N.A.

 Q1. Centroid and neutral axes are

  1. Intersecting

  2. Coincident

  3. Parallel

  4. None


Q2. Distance represented between centroid and neutral axis by

  1. X

  2. Y

  3. Z

  4. None

ANS: (d)

Q3. Maximum stress in the curved beam is in the

  1. Innermost fiber

  2. Outermost fiber

  3. Innermost & outermost fibers

  4. None

ANS: (a)

Q4. In which fiber of curved beam, Stress is minimum?

  1. Outermost fiber

  2. Innermost fiber

  3. Outermost & Innermost fibers

  4. None

ANS: (a)

 Q5. Maximum stress is present

  1. Bending moment

  2. Axial load

  3. Axial load & bending moment

  4. None

ANS: ©

Q6. Neural axis is

  1. Away from the center of curvature

  2. At the center of curvature

  3. Towards the center of curvature

  4. None

ANS: (c)

Q7. Variation of stress in the beam is

  1. Linear

  2. Parabolic

  3. Exponential

  4. None

ANS: (d)

  Q8. Stress variation in beam is

  1. Hyperbolic

  2. Parabolic

  3. Linear

  4. None

ANS: (c)

Q9. Minimum stress in the outermost fiber is

  1. P/A

  2. M/Z

  3. P/A + M/Z

  4. None

ANS: (d)

Q10. In the innermost fiber, stress is

  1. P/A – M/Z

  2. M/Z

  3. P/A

  4. None

ANS: (d)

Q11. Outermost fiber has the stress

  1. M/Z + P/A

  2. P/A

  3. M/Z

  4. None

ANS: (a)

Q12.  Curved beams are of

  1. Three types

  2. Four types

  3.  One type

  4. None

ANS: (d)

 Q13. Types of curved beams are

  1. Two

  2. Four

  3. three

  4. None

ANS:  (a)

Q14. For small curvature curved beam

  1. Ratio h/R > 1

  2. Quantity h/R <1

  3. h/R >2

  4. None

ANS: (c)

Q15. Large curvature curved beam

  1. Firstly         h/R> 1

  2. Secondly     h/R <2

  3. Thirdly         h/R >2

  4. None

ANS: (b)

 Q16.  Initial stress in curved beam

(i) No

(ii) Yes

(iii) Cannot say

(iv) None

ANS. (ii)

 Q17. Name formula for stresses in a curved beam.

(i) Hook’s formula

(ii) Lame’s equation

(iii) Winkler Bach Formula

(iv) None

ANS: (iii)

Q18. Winkler Bach Formula

(a) σi =Mci /Aero ,  σo=Mci /Aero

(b) σi =Mco /Aero ,  σo=Mci /Aero

(c)  σi =Mci /Aeri,  σo=Mco /Aero

(d) None

ANS: (c)

 Q19. Calculate bending moment about the

(a) Centroid axes

(b) neutral Axis

(c) Centroid & neutral axis

(d) None

ANS: (a)

Q20. For rectangular section in initially curved beams,

(a) r = ri -h/2 & r =ri / ln(ro/ri)

(b) r = ri +h/2 & r =ri / ln(ro/ri)

(c) r = ri + h/2 & r =h / ln(ro/ri)

(d) None

ANS: (c)



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