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M E Subjects – Mechanical Engineering Concepts Simplified

Various topics of Mechanical Engineering presented are in a simple

manner. It is based on our vast teaching experience. Anybody can

make things complex. It is very difficult to make a topic simple. An

attempt is there to make every article simple to read, understand and

reproduce. Matter is from the literature available. Matter is in small


Strength of Materials

  1. Simple stresses and strains

  2. Principal stresses

  3. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

  4. Bending stresses in beams

  5. Bending and axial loading combined

  6. Slope and Deflection

  7. Torsion

  8. Columns and Struts

  9. Strain energy

  10. Thin shells

  11. Thick shells

  12. Springs

  13. Stresses in curved beams

  14. Shear Stresses in beams

  15. Stresses in Rotating Discs

  16. Theories of elastic failure


Heat Transfer

Temperature difference causes heat transfer. Modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. It takes place from higher temperature to low temperature by itself. There are applications needing reduction or increase in heat transfer.

  1. Introduction

  2. Conduction heat transfer

  3. Convection heat transfer

  4. Radiation heat transfer

  5. Fins heat transfer

  6. Heat exchangers

  7. Dimensional analysis

  8. Hydrodynamic and Thermal boundary layers

  9. Boiling and Condensation


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 

It deals with refrigeration, comfort and industrial air conditioning. Refrigeration is lowering of temperature. It deals with preservation of life, taste and flavor. Comfort air conditioning increases human efficiency. Industrial air conditioning improves quality and quantity of products.

  1. Vapor compression refrigeration
  2. Gas refrigeration
  3. Aircraft refrigeration
  4. Vapor absorption Refrigeration
  5. Expansion Valves
  6. Refrigeration Equipment
  7. Cooling loads
  8. Psychrometry
  9. Air Conditioning
  10. Non- conventional refrigeration
  11. Refrigerants


  Compressor converts electric energy into pressure and thermal energy. Compressor is a power consumer. Turbine converts thermal energy into electric energy. Turbine produces power. Compressor, Motor, pump, Mixi, engine, turbine are thermodynamic devices.

  1. Entropy

  2. Boilers

  3. Thermodynamic processes

  4. Vapor Power  Cycles

  5. Air standard cycles

  6. Internal combustion Engines

  7. Availability

  8. Steam

  9. Compressible flow

  10. Nozzles

  11. Jet Propulsion

  12. Laws of Thermodynamics


Fluid Mechanics

It deals with different types of fluids and flows. It deals with pressure drop and dimensional analysis.

  1.  Dimensional Analysis,
  2. Flow measurement
  3. Laminar Flow,
  4. Turbulent Flow,
  5. Boundary Layer Theory

Theory of Machines

Deals with various types of motion, speed regulation, power transmission and vibrations.

  1. Degrees of freedom,

  2. Power transmission Belts, Chains and Gears

  3. Flywheel, Governor, Balancing

  4. Degrees of freedom

  5. Mechanical vibrations


Engineering Drawing

Deals with expressing ones ideas in a simple, quick and convenient manner. Various types of projections help to achieve the objective.

  1.  Letter writing,

  2. Dimensions,

  3. Scales in drawing,

  4. Projections of points, lines, planes and solids

  5. Isometric and orthographic projections,

  6. development of surfaces,

  7. Section of solids

  8. Intersection of surfaces


 Internal & external engines

  1.  All types of vehicles use internal combustion engines.
  2. External engines are boilers which feed high pressure steam to turbines.


  • Different manufacturing processes produce various types of objects.


Multiple Choice Questions With Answers on Various Topics